M c C u r d y R u s s e l l
A r c h i t e c t s
British Airways Engineering
This is the new home for the component engineering operation of British Airways (BACE) and occupies a prominent regenerated site close to Heathrow. Ostensibly this is a typical ‘tin shed’ with a better than usual cladding system. Closer inspection reveals a carefully detailed façade with varying fenestration and an impressive, double height, curved entrance complete with brise soleil.
Internally, the illusion is further dispelled. A complex layout of rooms provide such areas as workshops, engine component test facilities and sophisticated storage zones. As 200 people are employed in this building, there is a restaurant, offices and meeting rooms at first floor level together with extensive plant rooms.
The setting of the building in the surrounding landscape has similarly been the subject of great consideration. Large tranches of planting surround a curving car park with high quality external satellite buildings.
Whilst very much a building planned to serve the special requirements of BACE, the design provides flexibility such that all bespoke elements could in the future be removed and the development revert to a more conventional institutional single/multiple letting.