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LH2 Acton


A 5,200 m2 lighting rehearsal studio space in Concord Rd. Acton W. London for NegEarth Ltd.


We were commissioned in 2009 to find a site in W London for a rehearsal studio project for NegEarth Limited, a company specialising in stage lighting installations for rock concerts, stage shows, and events. A number of sites were evaluated and the site in Concord Rd eventually selected.


The building is a highly bespoke structure, with the rehearsal studio roof designed to take point loads from lighting rigs of 5 tonnes on a 1.5m grid across the entire roof area measuring 45m x 32m, at a height of 18m above floor level. Access within the roof void is designed to facilitate the rigging of lighting installations entirely without the need for harnesses. The external fabric is designed to a very high standard of acoustic and thermal performance to minimise any environmental impact and significantly reduce heating costs for the large studio volume.


In addition to the studio space there are 6 no. ‘band rooms’ / changing rooms, production offices, conference rooms and a catering facility capable of seating 40 people.


There are dock loading facilities to accommodate 6 no articulated vehicles permitting direct access to the studio space for the loading and unloading of equipment. In addition there is 1,500m2 of ancillary storage space.


The conference rooms, with their fully glazed external walls, are shaded by means of powder coated aluminium ‘brise soleils’ to reduce solar gain on the South and West elevations. The studio space is heated by underfloor heating coils powered by roof mounted air source heat pumps.







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